
无忧文档网    时间: 2024-04-15 14:01:05     阅读:










a listen and find.






b let's make a mural and talk.





1.教师出示本课教学挂图,要求学生用“i can see....”语句对图画进行简单描述。

2.教师请学生猜一猜画面上人物要去哪儿,引导学生说出在本单元学到的交际用语(注意:说本单元交际用语时需要换人称,教师可以帮助学生说,如:教师说前半句andy is,学生接后半句going to the supermarket.)。








teacher: andy is going to the school.he is going by bus.

lily and yaoyao are going to the park.they are going by taxi.

bill and his dad are going to the zoo.they are going by bicycle.

ted is going to the book store.he is going by van.

binbin is going to the hospital.he is going by car.

joy is going to the supermarket.she is going by subway.


teacher: i can see a taxi, a bus, a van, a bicycle in the streets.i can see a school, a park, a book store in the streets.there is a zoo next to the traffic lights.there is a supermarket next to the bus stop.the bus is red.the car is white.i'm going to the zoo by bus.



在本节课结束时,学生将能够了解教室环境中物品的名称并在口语中正确使用my name is… nice to meet you.等句型简单介绍自己,了解他人的姓名信息,进一步了解新同学;学生将能够了解单元任务的具体要求,并完成自己和小组内成员的姓名部分。



2、学生将能够在口语中使用good morning,hello, hi,nice to meet you 向他人打招呼,正确使用句型my name is gina. what’s your name? 简单介绍自己的姓名并询问同学的姓名。

3、学生将能够初步了解形容词性物主代词my your, his, her的用法。



采用自主学习、小组合作探究学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片等来展开课堂教学、pair work 问答式的口语交际活动,进行 “打招呼和简单自我介绍”的课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式。





1、能够介绍自己的姓名:my name is …i’m…

2、能够简单问候初识的朋友:hello!/hi! good morning! nice to meet you!

3、能够正确使用形容词性物主代词my your, his, her


词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和role-play的方式;






















3、复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:how about…? what about…? can you come with me? what do you have for dinner this evening? let me and have a look.等。

4、新单词:chicken, tofu, fridge, list, shopping list, buy, kilo

句型:what do we have for dinner this evening?

fish is my favourite.

what else do you want to have?

don’t we have any eggs?

let me make a shopping list.

you can help me carry the things.




step 1 revision


what do you have for breakfast today?

shall we go and buy something to eat?

what’s in the pictures? let me see. what do we have for lunch today?

how about…? what about…?

what else do you want to have?

can you go and buy the things? let’s go.等。老师也可以同样的方式提问全班同学。


step 2 presentation

[课件展示]教师在复习食品名称基础上,引出购物的话题。教授有关食品新单词chicken, tofu, fridge, tomato, onion, carrot, pork 教师可以点击 播放单词录音让学生跟读,掌握好单词的标准发音。然后教师教单词list, shopping list, buy, buy things, kilo, one kilo of chicken legs 引导根据所学习的新单词,学生回答句子:what do you have for lunch today? what else do you want to have? what do we have in the fridge? can you go and buy the things?

step 3 read and say

[课件展示]教师点击图片可以播放影片让学生观看,播放课文对话录音 让学生跟读课文对话,尽可能的模仿录音中的语音语调,教师再点击鼠标出现以下有关问题:

what’s in the fridge? is there any fish in the fridge?

are there any chicken legs in the fridge?

[]don’t we have any eggs in the fridge?

why do they go shopping?


step 4 shopping list


根据课文的购物单自行设计一个自己的购物单, 教师让个别学生读出自己的购物单,互相比较看看谁设计的购物单最合适。

step 5 practice

[课件展示]在学生之前设计好了购物单的情况下,老师让学生观看课件中的超市图片,假设学生在周末和父母去市场买东西。 然后教师再点击鼠标,课件中就会显现出商店所卖的商品和价目表,让学生根据图片和价目表自编一个对话:一人为售货员,一人为顾客,教师可以引导学生使用这几句话:can i help you? i’d like …。. here you are. here is the money. 对话可长可短,因人而异。

step 6 consolidation













学习并掌握how do you study.。.? i study.。.by 。.。.等相关句型和词汇。

学习并掌握用by + doing 结构表达方式方法。




短语教学——采取视频引入话题然后进行启发式教学,并在对话中运用;语音教学——让学生跟读听力材料进行模仿式操练;口语教学——采取pair work 和role- play问答式的口语交际活动或小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取采取听音配对、听音打钩和听音对应等方式语法教学——通过模仿听力材料进行对话练习,在教师的纠正中培养正确的by+doing的结构意识。






3、复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:how about…? what about…? can you come with me? what do you have for dinner this evening? let me and have a look.等。


lesson115 ppt教学演示


step 1 revision

[课件演示]值日生duty report。


step 2 presentation

[课件演示]引出今日新单词:pork。也可根据学生的水平适当补充一些新单词。如:大酬宾销售 bargain sales 销价20% 20% off 甩卖 reduction sales

step 3 read and act

听录音一遍后问学生:where are they?

听录音一遍后问学生: what does tom want to buy? what else? how many? how much are they?


step 4 practice










step 5 listen and answer

做workbook p.145


blackboard handwriting

unit 29 shopping


new words: pork how much is the meat? it’s 10 yuan a kilo.bargain sales

useful expressions:20% off

how much is it? it is …yuan a bag / bottle / kilo?reduction sales

how much are they? the are …a kilo.

how many / how much do you want?

language goals

in this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons,

new language

why do you like koala bears?。 because they're cute,they're pretty interesting, they're kind of shy, they're very big.

names of animals such as tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin

description words such as smart, cute, intelligent

names of countries: australia, south africa,

recycled language

between, across from

he's/she's from 。.。 he's / she's five years old.

name of countries; china, japan, brazil

section a

additional materials to bring to class:

coins or other markers for the bingo game in 4.

ask students to name as many animals as they can in english. write the list on the board,

ask students to describe each animal in some way.they may tell its color or tell if it is big or small.

say, today we are going to learn the names of some more animals. well also leam how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them.

la this activity introduces the key vocabulary.

focus attention on the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals. ask students to point to and name any animals they can.

point to the animals one by one and say the name of each. ask students to repeal.

point out the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat.

then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. say, write the letter of each animal in the blank by that animal's name. point out the sample answer.

check the answers.

1 b this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

point to the animals in 1a- ask students to point to and name the animals.

say, i'm going to play recordings of three conversations. listen carefully as you look at the words in la.put a checkmark in front of the name of each animal you hear.

play the recording the first time. students only listen.

play the recording a second time. this time students check each animal name they hear.

correct the answers.

1 c this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the example conversation in the picture. ask two students to read it to the class. answer any questions they may have.

point out the four description words. ask a student to read them aloud. review the meaning of each word.

say, now you can make conversations about animals.your conversations can be like the example. use these description words.

ask students to work in pairs. have them take turns saying both parts.

if students need help getting started, demonstrate another conversation with a student. for example:

teacher: let's see the elephant.

student: why do you want to see the elephant?

teacher: because it's very smart.

ask some students to present their conversations to the class.

2a this activity provides listening practice using the target language.

call attention to the two blank lines on the left. say,you will hear a recording of a conversation. listen carefully. then write the names of the two animals you hear on these lines.

play the recording the first time. students only listen.

play the recording a second time. this time students write in the names of the animals.

check the answers.

point out the adjectives listed on the right. ask a student to say the words.

say, now i will play the recording again. this time draw a line between each animal and the adjective you hear.

play the recording and have students match each animal with an adjective.

correct the answers.

2b this activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

call attention to the conversation and the blank lines in it say, you will hear the recording again. this time please write a word from the box on each blank line. some words can be used more than one time.

ask a student to read the words in the box.

play the recording. check to see that students are writing a word from the box on each line of the conversation.

go over the answers.

2c this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the conversation in the picture. ask two students to read it to the class.

say, now you can have conversations like this one.use the words in box 1, box 2, and box 3 in your conversations.

demonstrate a conversation with a student. for example:

student: do you like penguins?

teacher: yes, i do.

student: why?

teacher: because they're very cute.

3a this activity provides reading practice using the target language.

point to and say the names of the three countries on the maps and ask students to repeat

point to the three animals and ask a student to name them.

say, now draw a line between each animal and the country it comes from.

correct the answers.

3b this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

point to the conversation in the picture. ask a pair of students to read it to the class.

ask students to work in pairs. say, now you can talk about where animals come from. point to the map and animals students matched up in 3a-

say, work with a partner. take turns asking and answering questions about the countries and animals in 3a.

after a few minutes, ask several pairs to say the conversation for the class.

section b

additional materials to bring to class:

pictures of household pets and zoo animals cut out of magazines for follow-up activity 1.

1 this activity introduces more key vocabulary,

call attention to the animals in the picture and ask a student to say the name of each one.

point out the list of eight numbered adjectives at the top.

say, now please match the adjectives at the top with the animals in the picture. write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective. point out the sample answer.

as students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed.

correct the answers-

2a this activity provides listening practice with the target language.

say, now i will play a recording of a conversation between tony and maria. this time circle the adjectives you bear on the list for la.

play the recording again. students circle the adjectives they hear.

correct the answers.

2b this activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

call attention to the three headings. animal, maria's words and tony's words, and the write-on lines under each.

say, now i will play the recording again. this time please write the name of the animals each person talks about and the words they say.

play the first four lines of recording and stop the tape. ask, what animal are they talking about? (the elephant) what words does maria use to describe the elephant? (interesting, intelligent)

point out the write-on lines where students can write these words.

play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear on the chart.

check the answers.

3 this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the dialogue next to the picture. ask two students to read it to the class.

say, work in pairs. use sentences like these to say what you think about different animals.

demonstrate the activity with one or two students. for example, say, i like dolphins. they're intelligent.

ask students to work in pairs. as they work, move around the room checking on progress.

ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

3a this activity provides reading practice using the target language.

point out the three descriptions of animals. ask students to take turns reading one aloud.

then draw attention to the pictures of animals below.say, write the letter of the animal in the blank lines above its description. there is one animal that is not described.

check the answers.

3b this activity introduces some new vocabulary words and provides reading and writing practice using the target vocabulary.

call attention to the pictures of animals in 3a, and draw attention to the grass, leaves, and meat. ask a student to explain each word or use it in a sentence to show he or she understands what it means. teach the expression sleeps.

point out the description in 3b with blank lines where some words are missing. read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

point out the six words in the box. say, you can write these words in the blanks. use each word only once.

as students work, move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed.

check the answers.

3c this activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language,

say, now you can write a description like the one in 3b. you can use some of the same words. write about any animal you like.

you may wish to do a sample description with the class. choose an animal's name and write it on the board. then ask students to make statements about the each statement and then write on the board. you can ask leading questions such as. is it big? is it lazy? does it eat grass?

ask students to write their own descriptions. you may wish to have less fluent students work with a more fluent partner,

ask students to share their writing with others in the class.

after you have reviewed the students' work, you may wish to have some students recopy their work so that you can post it on the classroom bulletin hoard.

period one





step one :present the sentence patterns.

1、 play a game “how many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

teacher: after the study of the first three starters, i think most of the students must have known a lot of words. how many words do you know? let’s play a game to see who know? let’s play a game to see who knows the most.

(divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer. every group can choose two students to join. they are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

(group 2 is the champion group. they can write 11 words.)

2、 introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

teacher: congratulations, now group 2 is the champion. but i don’t know your names. would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

s1& s2:yes.

s1:hello.my name is li lei. nice to meet you.

ss: hello, li lei. nice to meet you ,too.

ss: hello! what’s your name?

s2:i’m sun ping. how do you do?

ss: how do you do ?

step two: drills.

1、 make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)

teacher: the new term begins. everyone will meet many new classmates. do you want to make friends with them? if your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.


sa: hello! i’m li lei. what’s your name?

sb: my name’s zhang feng. nice to meet you.

sa: nice to meet you, too. and what’s your name, please?

sc: lin li. how do you do?

sa:how do you do?

2、 listen and number the conversations.

teacher: today i have good news for you. three new students will come to our class. they are from other countries. do you want to know them? let’s listen to the recording of 1b in section a.

(students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

step three: make friends.

1、 make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)

teacher: now everyone has some new friends. do you want others to know them? do you want more friends? let’s introduce our new friends to others, ok?

ss: ok.


sa: this is my new friend. his name is sun nan.

sb: hello, sun nan. nice to meet you.

sc: nice to meet you, too. look! this is my new friend. her name is he lu.

ss: how do you do?

sd: how do you do?

(students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. they can greet each other warmly. everyone in the class can have more friends. they can also know something else about them.)

2、 the new comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

teacher: just now i said three new students from other countries would come to our class. now, look! they are here. let’s give them a warm welcome.

(three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

teacher: it’s their first time to come to china. would you like to listen to their introductions?

ss: yes.

(three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

step three: sum up.

some students are asked to sum up this lesson. it is how to make new friends and how to greet them. it is very important in the daily life.


“how do you meet new visitors at home?

period two





step one: revise the sentence patterns.

1、 sing an english song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)

teacher: yesterday we’ve known each other already. do you remember your new friends’names? if you do, let’s sing the song “what’s your name?”。

hello! hello! what’s your name? my name’s gina.

hello! hello! what’s his name? his name’s peter.

hello! hello! what’s her name? her name’s anna.

2、 listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.

teacher: yesterday i made a new friend. her name is jenny. she is very lovely. she introduces many friends of hers to me. do you want to know about them? let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.

(students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3、 act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)

teacher: now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings. but if you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)


(at a party)

sa: hello! i’m lucy green. what’s your name?

sb: my name is kate brown, jim’s classmate. nice to meet you.

sa: nice to meet you, too. i’m jim’s sister. welcome to jim’s birthday party. make yourself at home.

sb: thanks, i will.

step two: choose english names.

1、 play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

teacher:as we know, everyone has a name. each name has its special meaning and so do english names. do you want to have an english name? if you do, let’s play a name game. the winners of the game will get english names.

rules: every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he (she ) should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.


s1: my name’s tony.

s2: his name’s tony. my name’s linda.

s3: his name’s tony. her name’s linda. my name’s nick.

s4: his name’s tony. her name’s linda. his name's nick. my name's kim.


2、 choose english names.

1)。find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

teacher: congratulations to the winners. now you choose english names from the box. but before you choose names, you must know english names have two parts: first name and last name. look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?


1. over the years 经过许多年后

2. have an effect on 对…有影响 (=affect)

3. make good money 很赚钱

4. raise/keep/feed pigs 养猪

5. make use of 利用

6. take note of 记录; 记笔记

7. as far as i can see 依我看(=in my opinion)

8. as…as possible 尽可能

9. bring in 带来; 引进

10. the international exchange of delegations 代表团之间的交流

11. be harmful to 对…有害

12. depend on 依靠;依赖 (rely on)

13. as well as 也, 还

14. not only …but also.. 引导并列句,前句倒装

not only is reading important, but also speaking is a necessary part of learning english.

15. not…but… 不是…而是…

16. protect…from… 保护…免受…的伤害

17. stand for 代表

18. in other words 换句话说

19. a variety of 各种各样的 (=various)

20. do research into 对…进行研究

21. learn from 向…学习

22. instructions for making wine 酿酒说明

23. a practical guide to farming 很实用的农耕指南

24. at the right/correct/wrong time of the year (不)适时的

25. go against 违反;违背

26. remove weeds 除草

27. plough deep the first time 第一次深耕

28. year after year 年复一年 (=every year)

29. harvest good crops 获得好收成

30. pass on (from generation to generation) (一代一代)传下来


1. be short of 缺乏;短缺

2. add…to… 把…添加到…

3. from time to time = now and then 时不时的; 偶尔的

4. at an early age 小时候

5. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 (短暂性)

be in love with sb 爱着某人 (持续性)

6. rise up to the sky 上天

7. search for 寻找 (=look for; hunt for)

8. all of this is new. 这一切都是崭新的。

9. in the past 过去

10. wash away 冲走

11. as a result (of…) (由于…的)结果

12. be covered with 被…覆盖

13. to one’s joy/delight 使某人感到高兴的是
























句型: this is …/hw ld are u? i ‘ …








wrds: brther,sisiter



能够正确运用this is …/hw ld are u? i ‘ …

句型进行对话表演;能够熟练的表达出brther, sister等单词



教:愉快教学法, 情境教学法, 任务型教学, 评价法




1. 课前播放歌曲father and ther,渲染课堂气氛。

2. 唱歌曲father and ther

3. 复习上节课单词句子,father ther this is…

4. 学生四人一组,分别戴上father,ther,gawei的头饰表演

lessn 13的对话。

5. listen and d活动,教师给出指令act lie a father/ther/teacher/


6. 将爸爸、妈妈、兄弟、姐妹的头饰贴在黑板上,利用图片教学单词。

7. 教师向全体学生介绍家庭成员引出本课的新句型:this is brther.

this is sisiter.

8. 引导学生跟读模仿课文会话内容。

9. 放录像展示ust tal部分的教学内容让学生跟读模仿。分组、分队


10. 趣味操练,教师发给学生一张卡通全家福,教师发出指令:shw e

ur father…学生将对应的卡通人物找出来,比比那组最快。




本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说hello. / hi. goodbye. / bye-bye. i’m .


自我介绍用语i’m 。的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要夸张示范并适时纠正,但切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。




3、为let’s play中的游戏准备相应的道具。









不妨请学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语词汇或日常用语。同时可利用我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟知的词汇如tv,cd,vcd,dvd,ok!hi! yeah! bye! cool! wow! e-mail, cartoon等等来激发学生想学英语的兴趣和愿望。



(1)通过教师的自我介绍自然引出hello, i’m… /hi, i’m…

(2)教师可戴上sarah的头饰介绍hello! i’m sarah.并用同样方式介绍其他人物。

(3)让学生到讲台上来,戴上sarah,chen jie, mike的头饰说:hello! i’m…

(4)教师戴上wu yifan的头饰说hi! i’m wu yifan.并与戴sarah头饰的学生相互问好,并有意在分手时说goodbye.

(5)听录音来展示let’s talk部分的教学内容。


(1)请戴着wu yifan, chen jie,sarah,mike头饰的学生站在讲台前,另选一同学用眼罩蒙住眼睛,让sarah等四位同学中的一个说hello,让蒙住眼睛的同学猜。如果猜中,要说yes, i’m…如果猜错,要说no, i’m…猜对得一分。


(3)玩let’s play中的游戏“击鼓传花”。新课展示二:教师播放let’s sing两遍,学生边听边跟唱,让能力强的学生唱一遍,教师适当进行奖励或表扬。教师领唱,学生跟唱,全体同学一起唱。分小组唱,对于唱得好的小组进行表扬。趣味操练二:(1)请学生在限定时间内找出在小村庄里出现的字母,对于找得又快又好的的学生要加以奖励,有能力的学生让他们读出这些字母。(2)教师和学生一起校对。(3)让学生跟随录音一起学唱歌曲abc song.


要用hello!/ hi!打招呼并作自我介绍。



(2)遇到老师、同学和家长时要用hello!/ hi!打招呼;分手时要用goodbye./ bye-bye.道别。